Acorn Health - Start Here to Begin ABA Treatment

The sooner, the better

We’re ready to help, and
we’ll move swiftly

When your child gets an autism diagnosis, it’s stressful, sometimes a relief, and always life-changing. Acorn Health staff will guide you through every step.

Our Admissions and Client Experience Teams are ready to assist you in verifying your ABA therapy coverage, discuss additional payment options, and answer questions regarding Insurance Costs and Considerations. We are here to simplify the path to beginning ABA therapy.


If at any time you have questions, please call us: (844) 244-1818


Becoming an Acorn Health
client in a few easy steps

Call us

A free, no obligation screening to discuss your child’s unique needs. Please have your insurance information available.


We’ll meet you and your child and conduct an assessment. Please bring the report you received with your child’s diagnosis.


Your child’s individual treatment plan, time commitments, and expectations will be discussed with you before we begin.

If at any time you have questions, please call us: (844) 244-1818

Becoming an Acorn Health client in a few easy steps

Contact us Today

Begin the process of getting services for your child.

Admissions Contact Form